March 7, 2010
Yay! Puppies are here! This is a puppy cam for our 2010 litter, born on March 6th. We will broadcast the puppy cam live from about 9 a.m - 7 p.m. CST on weekdays and from about 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. CST on weekends. A recording is made of each broadcast, so during the times that we are not live, you will be able to view what happened during the day by simply watching the recorded video. At times, you may be asked for a password. If so, just type in the word "scrabble".
Four puppies were born (one boy and three girls). Until the puppies are big enough to wear collars or ribbons, they are identified by food coloring marks on their rumps, right above the tails.
We hope you enjoy the puppy cam as much as we do!
Streaming live video by Ustream