LIVING IN HARMONY (Dogs & Children) - Entry #2 - A List of Quick Tips

June 18, 2011

Here are some quick tips for helping to keep the peace between your children & dogs:
  • Before getting a dog, seek advice from veterinarians, vet techs or other knowledgeable pet care professionals.
  • Make sure any dog acquired by a family with children was well-socialized, especially to children, as a young puppy and into adolescence.
  • Teach kids to stay out of the dog’s personal space when the dog is eating, sleeping, injured or has puppies.
  • Don’t startle or surprise any dog –let the dog know when you are approaching.
  • Avoid hugging, kissing or any activity that puts your face in close proximity to the dog’s face.
  • Supervise all interactions between dogs and children and be sure that both adult and child know the body signs that indicate fear or anxiety.
  • When signs of fear or anxiety are observed, stop interactions between child and dog.
  • Provide dogs with a child-free zone in which to retreat—such as a baby-gated room or a kennel or crate.
  • Don’t allow children to mistreat the family dog, teach them to interact appropriately.
  • Don’t approach strange dogs without the owners’ permission.
  • Don’t approach loose dogs or ones tied out on long lines.
  • Don’t reach through a fence to pet a dog.
  • Don’t reach into a car window to pet a dog.
  • Do train your pet to obey basic commands such as sit, lie down and come when called by having clear expectations and rewarding the good behaviors with something the dog enjoys
  • For dog households with children, teach the dog good things happen when children are close by.
* Above information taken from: